Wednesday, March 9, 2011

Rob the Poor to Give to the Rich!

After ten years of tax cuts for the ultra rich and mega corporations, two wars (one of them being illegal and unfounded) and bailouts for the financial and auto sectors. Here we are. Politicians are cutting programs that benefit those most in need while protecting the wealthiest in our country.

This cartoon does a good job of expressing this.

I wish it was that easy to blame the GOP and make the Dem's out to be heroes. At this point I'm not sure who is worse. The democrats spineless governing is just as bad as the reckless policies the GOP continues to pursue.

"Even on Wall Street, the land of six- and seven-figure incomes, jaws dropped at the news on Tuesday: After all that federal aid, a resurgent Goldman Sachs is on course to dole out bonuses that could rival the record paydays of the heady bull-market years."

The New York Times
Published: July 14, 2009

Tax payer bailout and record profits. How does this happen?!?!?!

Not everyone is suffering during this recession. Some even MADE money from the losses.

So let's just keep protecting those who want to buy a new yacht and screwing those who need money for their prescriptions that cost $400 each.

Let's not negotiate with drug companies to lower the cost of prescriptions (it's cool for Canadians to negotiate with drug companies but not Americans). We will never raise taxes on that poor guy who needs his new yacht. Why in the world would we do this? Instead lets kill medicaid and social security! Screw those poor folks. They aren't as important as the ultra rich. That's what they're really saying. Right? The poor and sick are less important then the rich and powerful.

I don't understand how people can justify this kind of reasoning. It's disgusting!

I don't have time tonight to start talking about the working poor. UGH!


  1. speak it, brother. it's just depressing, isn't it? i don't know. i don't have the answers, but if i were a drinker, i'd be on that bar stool for the rest of the week.

    kudos on the blog! keep doin' it!


  2. Thanks Meghan! I was getting depressed reading about and talking about this stuff with Kare. It motivated me to post this. It makes me feel like I can scream out into the world and someone might hear me.

    If I were a drinker I would have a bottle of champagne in each hand.

    Thanks for the kind words. I really like your blog as well. The artwork is really awesome. I didn't know you were an artist as well as a writer.
