Monday, March 29, 2010

One year from today!

One year from today I want to be performing or have performed a Tiny Desk Concert. I want to sit in that small space and sing my guts out for the world to hear. My cheap acoustic guitar strings rattling as Karen screams the lyrics of Brilliant Boy into the atmosphere.

This performance is perfect tonight. It came to me at just the right moment and I will keep it with me as I finish this EP.

Sunday, March 7, 2010

I like this rock.

To ignore our environment and the effect we have on it is selfish. To believe our actions have no adverse effects on our native habitat is crazy. It's hard for me to understand why we have chosen to turn our backs on science.

Now that I've stepped down from my soap box here is a really cool show. Living on Earth is very entertaining. Listen to it.

Tuesday, March 2, 2010

Crazy crazy crazy...

I once wrote a song about the cosmos. It was called crazy, and it was in fact crazy. I put so much delay (an echo type effect) that you couldn't even understand a word I was saying.

In memory of this song and to share my fascination with space I give you this picture along with a link to many more.


Monday, March 1, 2010

Riding on Grass.

I first heard about bikes made of bamboo while listening to NPR. I thought it sounded to good to be true. Why had it taken so long to think of this? Could they really be strong enough to support me? In search of answers to my questions about this grass on wheels I turned to YouTube. I found many videos featuring Queen's "Bicycle Race". These videos were pretty boring and poorly executed. Then I came across this gem. It is very informative and the kid who is hosting it is... well he's trying. :)

If anyone wants to buy me one of these hit me up on email and I'll send ya my address.